Create a feed and following you LOVE!

✔️ Are you scared to be the real you on social media because you’re afraid of what others will think?

✔️ Are you obsessed with getting followers and likes to the point it’s driving you crazy?

✔️ Do you get anxiety or stress by scrolling through Facebook or Instagram because of the constant negativity or arguments?

✔️ Do you ever find yourself the subject of bullying or harassment on social media?

✔️ Do you want love and positivity to overflow your feed?

✔️ Do you want to once and for all redefine your relationship with social media to that it supports your life, your business, and your heart’s desires?

Then This Course is for You!

I will never forget the presidential election of 2016. It doesn’t matter which side you were on, I think you’ll agree that neither side was seeing the other with the eyes of love. Judgement, absolutely. Love, probably not.

I was definitely someone that was judging. I was passionate about what I believed. I knew I was “right.” But it didn’t matter, my entire feed was filled with toxic comments, vile, and misinformation from both sides of the political spectrum.

My social media feed made me sick. 🙁

I began to hate longtime friends and family members who didn’t agree with me. I became embarrassed by the posts of other friends and family members who did agree with me. I didn’t want my social media to be this way. I knew it could be different. I knew there were good people with good hearts on both sides. That’s when it hit me.

I Needed a Social Media...

Detox 😝

I needed to take a step back from social media and rethink my relationship with it. Because here’s the truth – it wasn’t Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other platform that made it bad. It was how people used it. And everyone, myself included, had a choice.

I had a choice of how I used social media. I had a choice on who I interacted with. I had a choice on what I posted, how I commented, and what I shared. I had immense power.

And I took my power back...

To spread and attract love.

Maybe it seems silly to view it that way. But here’s the truth, the laws of the universe exist on social media just as much as they do when interacting with people in person. Why do so many of us (myself included) forget that? So, I created this course – with the intention of teaching others how to use social media with the purpose of spreading love, hope, and encouragement.

Even better, if you are a business owner or entrepreneur, you’ll love how this course teaches you how to detach from needing followers and allowing them in. And not just any followers, boo — the ones who absolutely LOVE and adore YOU — and the service you provide.

The Course 411

a.k.a. What You'll Learn...

Responsibility. The first step to healing your relationship with social media is to take serious ownership and responsibility with how you’ve used it in the past.

Intentions. They matter. The intention you use to comment, post, or share is extremely important. It’s not about what other people can see, as much as it’s what you’re feeling when you comment, post, or share.

Choice. Stop playing the part of the victim. You get to choose who you interact with and how. Use the power of choice.

Reflection. Does a post tick you off? Make you angry? Do you find yourself judging others? You need to take a serious step back and see what the universe is reflecting back to you.

Fear and Worry. Why are you afraid to speak your mind? Why are you afraid to be honest about how you feel? It’s time to have courage and be authentic.

Plus: Social Media Detox handouts filled with journal prompts, affirmations, and exercises to help you rewrite your social media story.

Plus: Downloadable slides from the course videos to take notes if that’s your jam.

Plus: Downloadable audio recordings for the peeps that would rather listen in the car or at the gym.


Bonus: 10 Ways to Elicit Positive Social Media Engagement.

Bonus: 5 Questions to Ask Before You Post or Comment.

Bonus: 10 Social Media Affirmations to shift your perspective.

Social Media Detox 😝

Week One

Get an understanding of how social media actually works from a practical standpoint. Why do you see some posts and not others? What determines who shows up in your social media feed? And learn how to take inventory of what you’ve been posting, sharing, and commenting on.

Week Two

Reassert the power of choice – who you follow, who you interact with, and what you post or share. Understand the power of emotion and attitude when sharing, commenting, or posting and how that’s transmitted into the universe.

Week Three

The laws of the universe and social media. How does the law of attraction, cause and effect, and polarity show up on social media. Understanding this will allow your social media to become a feed full of hope, power, and love.

Week Four

Fear and worry can keep you for being your authentic, true self on social media. Learn how to be courageous, stand for your truth, while doing so with love and joy. Learn how the universe, even on social media, often reflects back to us on lessons we need to learn or things that need to be shifted internally.

About Brandon

Hey, boo!

I’m soooo freakin’ excited that you’re here and ready to toss out the negativity, toxicity, and filth that’s taken over your social media feed.

You’ve been smelling the garbage for a long time now and you’ve finally decided to get off the couch and take it outside. I’m soooo proud of you!

Trust me, as a former eighth-grade-middle-school teacher, former Ringling Bros. Circus clown, and gay man, I’ve seen plenty of hate, bullying, and just plain meanness on social media.

“You’re going to hell!” “You beat animals!” “You need to take testosterone pills for your voice.”

Yep, I’ve heard it all. But the thing is, I had a choice I never asserted. I had responsibility I never owned. There were laws of the universe at play that I never took into account.

Not to mention letting go of all the neediness and proof that we become so entangled in. We become obsessed with metrics, likes, and comments like drug addicts. Yuck!

That’s why I’m delighted you’re here. You can have a joyful, loving, and amazing social media experience, while also being authentically YOU!

How It Works

This course is held completely online!

The four video training modules have been recorded for you.

You have completely unlimited replays.

You will receive access to the bonuses immediately upon enrolling.

Receive Access to Module One Immediately Upon Enrollment.

You will be given access to Module Two, 7 days later. Module Three will be opened to you 7 days after that. Etc.

You’ll have all course content and future updates forever.

Check your email upon enrolling.


What’s the difference between this course and your other ones? This course is is ALL about social media. Sure, it covers some of the laws of the universe, but only as it relates to social media.

Do you guarantee results? I absolutely love and fully believe in this course; but as I have no way of knowing what you will do with the course or the materials presented, I cannot guarantee results of any kind.

Do you offer payment plans? Yes! I love payment plans. You will find payment options when you click to enroll.

More questions? Email and we’re happy to answer them!

Are you ready to social media detox?

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