About Brandon Foster

The Rest of My Unbelievable True Story

After I was outed in the national publicity article for Ringling Bros., I felt like my entire word was caving in and collapsing.

All of the guilt, shame, and fear I had been hiding the last ten years was suddenly exposed.

I broke up with my boyfriend, left the circus, and returned home where I began a religious twelve-step program to cure me from my gayness.

This ultimately lead to deep depression, binge drinking, raucous one-night stands, and thoughts that beckoned me to commit suicide.

It’s taken fifteen years, since then, to get to where I am today – to be in a position to inspire, motivate, and encourage others to step into their own self worth.

To love themselves.

To be whole.

To realize anything is possible.

You can create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

You just need the courage to begin taking steps in the right direction.

I can teach you how.

Because someone once did the same for me.