Own Your Badassery. With Certainty.

How would it feel if...

✔️ You never had to worry or doubt your ability to generate more leads when you wanted to?

✔️  You didn’t care about “how” you were going to achieve your goals and dreams — you just knew you were and that was enough?

✔️  You had zero guilt for charging more, desiring more, and wanting to have it all?

✔️  Even when you felt scared, you had the courage to face your fears and do the damn thing anyway? Ya know — Facebook Ads, Hiring, Leaving  the 9 to 5, or doing *gasp* video!

✔️  Outcomes no longer mattered because you knew the end result would always be the same — everything working into your highest good and favor for you and your business?

✔️  Your income and sales weren’t dependent upon outside circumstances such as the economy, the industry you’re in, or how your team showed up?

It's time to replace kindergarten confidence with being CONFIDENT AF.

Here’s the truth. You are confident to a certain degree. That’s what brought you here. Amen & hallelujah!

But you also know deep within your soul that what got you here isn’t enough to keep you growing. You’re already experiencing it… a new level of fears, doubts, and worries that must be conquered. That means it’s time to take your Confidence NEXT-LEVEL.

Society has lied to you. Confidence is a muscle. It’s not a one and done. Which means, you need to know how to build it and grow it.

It's time for next-level badassery.

To never settle for anything less than the best ever again.

There are two KEY INGREDIENTS that will open the door to achieve those “unrealistic goals” and live an “unrealistic life.” First, you have to KNOW who you were created to be and what you’re capable of. Second, you have to KNOW that God has your back — that it’s safe to step into the unknown. Both of these KNOWINGS are what make up…


This is the exact process that has allowed me to continually build my own self confidence from a Ringling Bros. Circus clown earning $315 a week to founding two six-figure companies. (Which I’m now currently scaling to 7 figures with incredible humans and God’s  never-ending grace and wisdom.)

And it’s also how I’ve privately coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners to go to their own next level of self confidence — allowing them to break through five, six, or even seven figures — in their businesses — or that ONE annoying thing they’ve been wanting to do but have been afraid to do.

And here's the truth about confidence...

💖 Without confidence, you’ll continually doubt your own abilities to achieve your dream life and business your heart yearns for.

💖 Without confidence, you’ll never take decisive action that will lead to the insane results you see others achieving and are often jealous of.

💖 Without confidence, you’ll never have the courage to become a leader within your own company and build a team to help you scale.

💖 Without confidence, you’ll self sabotage and meltdown when you’re facing external circumstances and challenges beyond your control.

Confidence is the key ingredient to big, permanent, life-long changes.

And I’m here to teach you how to become CONFIDENT AF.


The Course 411

What You'l Get

8 modules filled with the some of the best, most empowering riffs, rants, and reframes on true self confidence every created.

Over 10 hours of video content you can’t find anyplace else. This isn’t in any other coaching program, my facebook group, or on my podcast.

Deep and intentional journal work and homework assignments to help you integrate these teaches into your life and business.

Affirmations that will forever change how you think about yourself, your desires, and the divine support available to you.

THREE LIVE Q&A/MODULE Zoom sessions. One — a launch and intention party will be held on Tuesday, July 9th at 7:00pm (6:00 pm CST). Module 7 (Social Media) will be recorded LIVE via Zoom on Tuesday, July 30th at 7:00pm (6:00pm CST). Module 8 (Confidence to Leave the 9-5) will be recorded LIVE via Zoom on Tuesday, Aug. 20th at 7:00pm EST (6:00pm CST).


Bonus: Goal Achieving Roadmap. This is my exact process I still use as I scale both my businesses.

Bonus: Brandon’s favorite affirmations and daily practices to boost self confidence.

Bonus: Brandon’s favorite Bible verses to boost your confidence and faith in who you are.

Bonus: How to Create Custom Affirmations. Affirmations are useless if you don’t feel amazing saying them. I’ll teach you how to create affirmations that personally resonate with where you are.

Bonus: The original Confident AF recordings from the vault!

FIRST FIVE (PIF) will get a 1-on-1 call with Brandon. Yeppers! That’s crazy. Ya know what they say… the early bird gets the worm.

What You'll Learn...

Confidence. Learn what confidence truly is, why it’s the secret ingredient, and how to develop it daily to achieve your dream life.

Overcoming fear, worry, and doubt. These are the three biggest killers of confidence. Learn what each one of these are and how to overcome them.

Success vs. Failure. Learn the truth behind these labels and why your perception of them is holding you back.

Faith and trust. Discover the hidden elixirs of self-confidence that will sky rocket your belief in yourself.

Shift. Learn how to shift the lens with which you view yourself. Learn how to support, encourage, and inspire yourself from within.

Get in the loop. Confidence can never decrease. It can only increase. Learn how to get into a daily loop of building your next-level confidence. 

Plus: Weekly Confident AF journal prompts, affirmations, and exercises to help you become more confident.



Week 1

You’ll learn exactly what confidence is and why it’s critical to achieving your hopes, dreams, and desires. You’ll discover your greatest power to change your confidence so that you can actually start taking action.

Week 2

You’ll learn about the three biggest enemies of confidence: fear, worry, and doubt. You’ll learn where they come from, how to recognize them, how to combat them, and why they can be helpful at times. In short, they will no longer have power over you to prevent you from your next-level life or desires.

Week 3

You’ll learn about the two greatest elixirs for confidence: faith and trust. Discover how faith and trust are required in order to overcome fear, worry, and doubt. Learn how to build your faith and your trust, in turn building your confidence. This is about realizing you’re not doing it alone, that God/Universe has your back.

Week 4

You’ll learn how to create new habits that will boost your self-confidence on a daily basis. You’ll also learn why your perception of failure and success is holding you back and discover a new way to view both of them, unlocking a bright new future. In short, say goodbye to perfectionism and proving.

Week 5

Learn the art of shifting quickly about how you view outside circumstances, other people, and results in your life to not only maintain your confidence, but to build off of it. Face it, you can’t control outside circumstances, but that never means your powerless and it doesn’t mean anything about you.

Week 6

Learn the easiest ways to build self confidence and understand how to create a confidence-competence loop in new areas of your travel business. Learn the power of curiosity and play to detach from outcomes and self criticism. When you trust yourself, you’ll go further than you ever have before.

Week 7

NEW! Confidence on Social Media. Learn about the 7 Levels of Confidence on Social Media. Uncover hidden fears and insecurities that are keeping you from feeling safe to be seen. Discover your power to to speak your truth and celebrate your awesomeness with love and certainty. (This will filmed over a LIVE Zoom Session on July 30th at 7pm EST.)

Week 8

NEW! The confidence to never settle for anything less than the absolute best. Next-level internal confidence. And the confidence of ditching the 9 to 5 & going all in on your dreams. (This will be filmed over a LIVE Zoom Session on August 20th at 7pm EST.)

Week 9

Confidence in People. Learn the confidence of leading teams, hiring, and trusting others to support your business. (This will be filmed and posted at a later date. There is no timetable set.)


What the People Say

About Brandon

Hey, boo!

My name is Brandon Foster, and I’m the founder & owner of two scaling six figure businesses — Magic Lamp Vacations, a premiere, full-service travel agency for families, and Brandon R Foster Coaching.
I was the original creator of mindset & emotional intelligent content for Wanderlust Campus — a high-ticket coaching program in the travel industry which has won over 8 Magellan Awards from Travel Weekly. I was also the recipient of their Expert of the Year Award.
I now coach founders, entrepreneurs, & agency owners on taking their own mindset & confidence to the next level and consult with them on developing internal strategies to create mindset & emotional intelligent content for both their teams and clients.
I have my own weekly podcast and radio show – Confident AF LIVE — which also airs on The Transformation Network, and have been featured on The Lounge by Travefy, From Bliss to Abundance with Cyndi Williams, and The Awakening Series.
My debut book — Confident AF: Unleash Your Inner Badass is coming out this month!
To sum it up,  I’m just gonna tell you one thousand ways that you are infinitely loved and your dreams aren’t crazy. They’re already yours and meant for you.
I’m here to encourage you and to help you change your mindset & confidence to get there.


What the People Say

How It Works

This course is held completely online!

The replay will be made available afterwards.

Six video training modules are already recorded and contain over 10 hours of content.

Week 1 will be available immediately upon enrollment. Week 2 will be available one week later and so forth.

You have completely unlimited replays.

You can ask questions inside of the public Confident AF Mindset Practices Facebook Group.

Bonuses (except the vault replays) will be made available after registration.

You’ll have all course content and future updates forever.

You’ll want to save the following ‘Group Call’ dates for your calendar. These are all on Tuesdays, at 7pm EST.

July 9th, July 30th, August 20th.


Check your email upon enrolling!


What’s the difference between this course and your other ones? While this course includes some content which overlaps with others, the primary purpose and goal of this course is to boost your self confidence.

Do you guarantee results? I absolutely love and fully believe in this course; but as I have no way of knowing what you will do with the course or the materials presented, I cannot guarantee results of any kind. That being said, what if it works better for you than you expect? Better than you could ever imagine?

What if it works for everyone else but me? I’ll defer to my what my friend, Amanda Frances says, “You’re not that special. The laws of the universe don’t apply to everyone but you.” LOL.

And — what if this works better than you could ever hope or imagine? What if it’s the best decision and investment you’ve ever made? There’s two sides to every coin, boo!

Do you offer payment plans? Yes! I love payment plans. You will find payment options when you click to enroll.

Remember, boo! You are worth it. Your business is worth it. Your dreams are worth it.

I really want to do this, but I’m hesitating. Can you encourage me? Um — yes! (1) Look at why you’re hesitating. (2) This will usually be linked to something in your past you’re afraid of re-living — bad investment, failing, not getting the desired results, etc. (3) Forgive and accept the past. (4) Decide that this gets to be different. You’re safe to invest. You’re safe to trust. You’re safe to do the work and get the results you desire.

Will this be offered again later? Yes — sometime in 2025, LOL. Here’s the truth, boo… we often wait for the “perfect time” — but perfection doesn’t exist. Has there ever been a better time to do this? To change your mindset? And what’s the cost of waiting? Of staying stuck in your current thought patterns and paradigms? There’s that too. Fear only grows the more you wait. 😉

Are there any discounts? You will see that there’s already been a discount applied for you on the check out page.

More questions? Email awesomeassistant@brandonrfoster.com and we’re happy to answer them!

Are your ready to become CONFIDENT AF?

Get started below!


Click the button below for details and payment options.
