
Don't settle. Believe boldly. Get results.

Travel Agent Remix

✔️ Are you seeing leads come in, but wanting to experience an overflow?

✔️  Are you ready to grow a team but don’t quite have the courage to start?

✔️  Is procrastination your last road block to accomplishing your biggest travel goals?

✔️  Are you ready to conquer your next-level fear & worries to really start scaling your biz?

✔️  Are you wanting to quit that 9 to 5 which has been a funding source, but not quite ready to jump?

Then it's time you become CONFIDENT AF.

Here’s the truth. You already are confident. That’s what brought you here. But you know it’s not enough to keep growing. You’re ready to take your Confidence NEXT-LEVEL. Because you know the badass deep inside doesn’t need to entertain the thoughts of: Who am I to be SIX-FIGURE travel agent? How can I possibly achieve SEVEN-FIGURE sales as a travel agency owner?  Who do you think YOU are to leave the comfort of your full-time job and go “all-in” on travel?

It's time to step into next-level badassery.

There are two KEY INGREDIENTS that will open the door to achieve those “unrealistic goals” and live an “unrealistic life.” First, you have to KNOW who you were created to be and what you’re capable of. Second, you have to KNOW that God has your back — that it’s safe to step into the unknown. Both of these KNOWINGS are what make up…


Once I had UNSTOPPABLE CONFIDENCE, everything began to change for me. I started taking daily steps to achieve my goals and dreams. Stepping into the unknown, regardless of fear, became a new habit. I did things I’d never done before — launching a Youtube Channel, doing Giveaways, and charging fees. When worry and doubt began to creep back in, I recognized it as my brain simply trying to protect me. But, I was no longer a prisoner to it. I was back in control. And I began to take decisive action with big results. This led me to where I am today — running a six figure coaching business & a million dollar travel agency simultaneously. (And I still use these principals.)

And now it’s how I’ve taught other travel entrepreneurs and business owners to go to their next level — five, six, or seven figures — by teaching then how to become CONFIDENT AF.

And here's the truth about confidence...

💖 Without confidence, you’ll never achieve your dream life in travel.

💖 Without confidence, you’ll never take decisive action toward your big agency goals.

💖 Without confidence, you’ll never have the courage to step into the unknown and tell the world about your agency.

💖 Without confidence, you’ll never be able to face challenges head on in the travel industry.

Confidence is the key ingredient to big, life-long changes as a travel entrepreneur.

And I’m here to teach you how to become CONFIDENT AF.


The Course 411

a.k.a. What You'll Learn...

Confidence. Learn what confidence truly is, why it’s the secret ingredient, and how to develop it daily to achieve your next-level goals as a travel agency owner/professional.

Overcoming fear, worry, and doubt. These are the three biggest killers of confidence that show up on every level. Learn what each one of these are and how to overcome them to step outside your comfort zone to deliver higher service, sell without being self-conscious on social media, and start charging fees or raise your prices.

Success vs. Failure. Learn the truth behind these labels and why your perception of them is holding you back. We will change the way you think about being perfect and proving yourself.

Faith and trust. Discover the hidden elixirs of self-confidence that will sky rocket your belief in yourself, your agency, and your agents to move past your current comfort zone.

Shift. Learn how to shift the lens with which you view yourself. Learn how to support, encourage, and inspire yourself from within – no longer needing self validation or approval from friends, family, or anyone else.

Plus: Weekly Confident AF journal prompts, affirmations, and exercises to help you become more confident.

Plus: A private Whatsapp group to receive support and cheer on other like-minded peeps in Confident AF.


Bonus: Goal Achieving Roadmap. This is my exact process I still use as I grow my businesses.

Bonus: Brandon’s favorite affirmations and daily practices to boost self confidence.

Bonus: Brandon’s favorite Bible verses to boost your confidence and faith in who you are.

Bonus: How to Create Custom Affirmations. Affirmations are useless if you don’t feel amazing saying them. I’ll teach you how to create affirmations that personally resonate with where you are.

Bonus: The original Confident AF recordings from the vault!



Week 1

You’ll learn exactly what confidence is and why it’s critical to achieving your hopes, dreams, and desires in the travel business. You’ll discover your greatest power to change your confidence as a travel professional.

Week 2

You’ll learn about the three biggest enemies of confidence: fear, worry, and doubt. You’ll learn where they come from, how to recognize them, how to combat them, and why they can be helpful at times to achieve next-level sales, leads, and success.

Week 3

You’ll learn about the two greatest elixirs for confidence: faith and trust. Discover how faith and trust are required in order to overcome fear, worry, and doubt to take new, inspired action in your business. Learn how to build your faith and your trust, in turn building your confidence to step outside of your zone of comfort.

Week 4

You’ll learn how to create new habits that will boost your self-confidence on a daily basis. You’ll also learn why your perception of failure and success in travel is holding you back and discover a new way to view both of them, unlocking a bright new future for your self and your business.

Week 5

Learn the art of shifting quickly about how you view outside circumstances, other people, and results in your life to not only maintain your confidence, but to build off of it. This includes client challenges, world events like COVID, and personal heartbreak.

Week 6

Learn the easiest ways to build self confidence and understand how to create a confidence-competence loop in new areas of your travel business. Learn the power of curiosity and play to detach from outcomes and self criticism.

Week 7

*BRAND NEW* Learn the confidence of leading teams, hiring, and trusting others to support your business. And the confidence of ditching the 9 to 5 & going all in on your dreams.

This will be filmed via zoom on March 16th @ 8pm EST.

About Brandon

Hey, boo!

I’m sooooo excited that you’re here! And I’m sooooo stoked about what this course will do for you! Trust me, I know first hand what confidence can do for someone.

I’ve helped hundreds of travel entrepreneurs step into their next-level of confidence as the Mindset Expert for Careers on Vacation and Wanderlust CEO Mastermind – and have learned that those who achieve the most are those who have the highest level of self-confidence and courage to step outside of their zones of comfort.

Haven’t you ever wondered why some people in travel who started after you, or had less resources, or less opportunity have achieved way more than you?

Confidence is the key ingredient that separates the people who are achieving their big goals and those who aren’t. But the good news is, you can build your confidence – just like an athlete builds muscle.

And I can’t wait to show you how!

How It Works

This course is held completely online!

The LIVE Workshop: Intention, Decision, & Manifestation will be held Thursday, February 2nd at 8 p.m. EST (7 p.m. CST)

The replay will be made available afterwards.

The six video training modules are already recorded and contain over 9 hours of content.

Week 1 will be available immediately upon enrollment. Week 2 will be available one week later and so forth.

You have completely unlimited replays.

You will receive access to the Confident AF Facebook group upon enrolling.

Bonuses (except the vault replays) will be made available after registration.

You’ll have all course content and future updates forever.

Check your email upon enrolling!


Do you guarantee results? I absolutely love and fully believe in this course; but as I have no way of knowing what you will do with the course or the materials presented, I cannot guarantee results of any kind.

Do you offer payment plans? Yes! I love payment plans. You will find payment options when you click to enroll.

More questions? Email info@brandonrfoster.com and we’re happy to answer them!

Are your ready to become CONFIDENT AF?

Get started below!


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