F*, Yas Header

You can't receive what you don't feel worthy to receive. In life. In Business.

❌ You won’t have high-paying clients who love what you have to offer and are eager to pay when you’re insecure about who you are and what you have to offer.

❌ You can’t have a social media that’s bursting with growth and followers when you’re scared to be authentic and showcase your own uniqueness.

❌ You can’t charge your dream prices and set your own terms when you’re uncertain about your knowledge and expertise.

❌ You can’t scale your business and grow quickly when you’re afraid to make mistakes.

❌ You can’t disrupt your industry and be the first to market something new when you’re attached to perfectionism.

Your self-worth determines your success.

After coaching over 1,000 clients in both one-on-one and group coaching settings, I’ve come to realize that one of the biggest mysteries between those who achieve massive success inside of their business (and love their life) and those that don’t is simply HOW THEY VIEW THEMSELVES. Their own self image and feelings of self worth.

The more you value, appreciate, and love yourself...


Because the outside world is a projection of your internal world. If you don’t believe in the value of your service — no one will. (Ex: You undercharge for your service because you’re scared to charge what you think you’re worth.)

If you’re hesitant to market on social media or to do video… there’s probably a piece of yourself you’re afraid the world might judge – because you judge it internally.

And if you believe that success requires perfectionism, burn out, and sacrifice, then that will always be your reality. But it doesn’t have to be.

It's Time to Own Your Badass Worth.

✅ It’s time to have high-paying clients who love what you have to offer and are eager to pay.

✅ It’s time to have a social media that’s bursting with growth and followers who love you for being you. To stand confidently in your true authenticity and uniqueness.

✅ It’s time to charge your dream prices and set your own terms — to be certain about your knowledge and expertise.

✅ It’s time to let go of mistakes and give yourself permission to grow faster than you ever thought possible.

✅ It’s time to release perfectionism and validation so that you can begin disrupting your industry with fresh ideas and new perspectives.

The Course 411

a.k.a. What You'll Learn & Discover...

You’ll get access to 13 videos featuring over 7.5 hours of main content and 8 bonus videos featuring almost 2 hours of additional content. Highlights include…

You’re loved simply because you exist. The concept sounds too basic, but it’s not. This is the absolute foundation to changing your life. We’re going to dive deep into why we struggle with this concept and how to integrate this truth into your identity. And explore why that changes our health, our relationships, our business, and our finances.

Shame, Guilt, and Judgement. These are the three biggest killers of self-love and self-acceptance. Learn how each one of these destroys the love, joy, and abundance meant for you and how to release them with forgiveness. More importantly, how this creates space to receive the desires God’s placed in your heart.

Mistakes and “bad” choices don’t determine your success. You get to be successful because that’s who you were created to be. Period. Learn how to shift your perspective on mistakes and “bad” choices so that you can become the person you aspire to be. This is about opening your heart to receive GRACE – God’s free and unmerited favor.

Drop perfectionism forever. Discover where the root of perfectionism comes from and how to eliminate it’s death grip on your dream life and your business. Healing this will allow you to take more action, free of fear, and help you to achieve your goals faster.

No proof is ever required. Learn how to never feel the need to prove yourself, your worth, or your value to anyone ever again. When you are free to just be yourself, you magnetize the people who love you for who you are.

Plus: Weekly Workbook journal prompts, affirmations, and exercises to help you truly love yourself and your life.

Plus: Access to me inside The Confident AF™ Mindset Practices Facebook™ Group. Post your question about anything covered in this course, and I’ll answer it for you.


Bonus: NEW! 8 Video Live Bonus No Proof Required — Riffs on Dropping Perfectionism, People Pleasing, and Proof Permanently. ($500 value)

Bonus: My favorite Bible verses about self love and self acceptance. ($25 value)

Bonus: My top ten favorite affirmations for self love and self acceptance. ($25 value)

Bonus: My guide to creating custom affirmations that work. ($200 value)

Bonus: My 101 guide to manifesting and goal achievement. ($200 value)

F*, Yas! Love yourself. Love Your Life.

Week 1

You’ll learn the simple truth that you’re worthy of love because you exist. You’ll learn why this concept is so hard for us to integrate and how to integrate it into the depths of your soul.

Week 2

You’ll learn that being successful was your birthright. That nothing can hold you back from your dream life — except yourself. You’re going to learn how guild, shame, and judgement robs us of who we’re meant to be.

Week 3

You’ll learn how to forgive yourself, your past mistakes, your judgements, and how to drop the guilt and shame you’ve been carrying. This is perhaps my favorite week, because it’s about being free!

Week 4

This a week of new beginnings and implementation. You’ll learn new habits and new ways to practice self love and self acceptance — through daily affirmations, exercises, gratitude, and more.

Week 5

This week is about not caring what others think. It’s about dropping proof. Dropping perfectionism. And just being free to be your best self. This is what suddenly magnetizes the people who love you for being you into your life.

Week 6

This week it’s all about loving yourself on social media, standing in your true power, and feeling safe to be seen by strangers!

Week 7

This is the recording from a brand new workshop entitled No Proof Required: A Badass Workshop on Detaching from Perfectionism, Validation, & Results. There are three sessions — Dropping Perfectionism to Achieve Wild Growth, From Validation and Approval to Owning it All, &Finding the Good and the Green: Maintaining Faith & Positive Momentum.

Please Note: Because there are new modules, there will not be a bonus of books for this launch. 😉

About Brandon

Hey, boo!

My name is Brandon Foster, and I’m the founder & owner of two multiple six figure businesses — Magic Lamp Vacations, a premiere, full-service travel agency for families, and Brandon R Foster Coaching.
I was the original creator of mindset & emotional intelligent content for Wanderlust Campus — a high-ticket coaching program in the travel industry which has won over 8 Magellan Awards from Travel Weekly. I was also the recipient of their Expert of the Year Award.
I now coach founders, entrepreneurs, & agency owners on taking their own mindset & confidence to the next level and consult with them on developing internal strategies to create mindset & emotional intelligent content for their teams and clients.
I have my own weekly podcast and radio show – Confident AF LIVE — which also airs on The Transformation Network, and have been featured on The Lounge by Travefy, From Bliss to Abundance with Cyndi Williams, and The Awakening Series.
My debut book — Confident AF: Unleash Your Inner Badass is coming out soon and I’m stoked!
To sum it up,  I’m just gonna tell you one thousand ways that you are infinitely loved and your dreams aren’t crazy. They’re already yours and meant for you.
I’m here to encourage you and to help you change your mindset & confidence to get there.


How It Works

This course is held completely online!

All seven video-training modules are all pre-recorded and yours forever. One module will unlock each week.

You have lifetime access to everything forever and ever – including future updates.

You’ll get the 8-part – NO PROOF REQUIRED video training bundle about dropping perfectionism and validation.

You get all those amazing bonuses I mentioned: My favorite Bible verses, my favorite affirmations, my 101 manifesting guide, and my guide to creating custom affirmations.

You are welcome to ask me any questions about this course inside The Confident AF™ Mindset Practices Facebook™ Group at anytime.

Each main module also comes with downloadable worksheets or journal prompts, along with affirmations to help you on your journey.


Check your email upon enrolling!


What’s the difference between this course and your other ones? While this course includes some content which overlaps with others, the primary purpose and goal of this course is to transform your self image through self love, self acceptance, and unlock your worthiness — which has the potential to open crazy new doors inside of your life and business such as: charging higher prices, attracting better clients, attracting new opportunities, increased growth,  reduced overwhelm & pressure, and more.

Do you guarantee results? I absolutely love and fully believe in this course; but as I have no way of knowing what you will do with the course or the materials presented, I cannot guarantee results of any kind. That being said, what if it works better for you than you expect? Better than you could ever imagine?

What if it works for everyone else but me? I’ll defer to my what my friend, Amanda Frances says, “You’re not that special. The laws of the universe don’t apply to everyone but you.” LOL.

Do you offer payment plans? Yes! I love payment plans. You will find payment options when you click to enroll.

Remember, boo! You are worth it. Your business is worth it. Your dreams are worth it.

I really want to do this, but I’m hesitating. Can you encourage me? Um — yes! (1) Look at why you’re hesitating. (2) This will usually be linked to something in your past you’re afraid of re-living — bad investment, failing, not getting the desired results, etc. (3) Forgive and accept the past. (4) Decide that this gets to be different. You’re safe to invest. You’re safe to trust. You’re safe to do the work and get the results you desire.

Will this be offered again later? Truthfully, yes — it will be offered again at some point in time and space. When — no idea. Depends on when I feel like offering it again, LOL. I would say if your heart is leading you — don’t wait. We often wait for the “perfect time” but perfection doesn’t exist. Has there ever been a better time to do this? To change your mindset? And what’s the cost of waiting? Of staying stuck in your current thought patterns and paradigms? There’s that too. Besides, each course on my website is generally only open once each year. 😉

Are there any discounts? You will see that there’s already been a discount applied for you on the check out page.

More questions? Email awesomeassistant@brandonrfoster.com and we’re happy to answer them!

Are your ready to TRULY start loving yourself and your life?

Get started below!


Click the button below for details and payment options.