You deserve a breakout year. Starting today.

Here’s the truth…

As Dr. John De Martini once said, “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thinking.”

I’m here to teach you how to deliberately & intentionally raise the quality of your thinking as you go into the New Year to deliberately & intentionally raise the quality of both your life and your business.

You know the sales you had in 2024 was not an accurate reflection of your true badassery.

You know you’re worthy of higher-paying clients.

You know you deserve to turn heads in your industry.

You know you were born for way more and you’ve decided 2025 is going to be your breakout year.

I’m here to teach you how to rewire your thinking to call that in.

I’m going to teach you how to believe in what others say is unrealistic, so that you actually take action to achieve it — manifest it.

If you want to join the top 2% in your industry, you have to think like the top 2%.

2025 was destined to be your breakout year, boo…

You’re going to learn:

  • How to clear space for expansion and up-leveling to make this year the best you’ve ever had.
  • How to release the past & all the could, shoulda, woulda of 2024 to create a breakout 2025.
  • How to look at what your monkey brain is telling you & peel back the layers to find the deeper issues that are creating resistance & friction from taking bold action.
  • How to plant seeds & grow deep roots for the truly big goals you’re too scared to admit to others.
  • How to open up to limitless possibilities to escape your limited perspective.
  • How simply changing the questions you ask yourself can quantum leap your mindset & results moving into 2025 beyond what you thought was previously possible.
  • How to start the New Year with unbridled focus, clarity, & passion like never before to blast through doubts and uncertainty.
  • How the mindset of consistency & small habits reap unparalleled results over time that will astonish you.
  • The secret behind my signature three-prong mindset method which has lead my clients to 3-4x their sales and income.

It’s how my clients have created over 30 million in sales.

It’s how they’ve broken the rules and norms of their industries.

Like in travel — commanding $1k planning fees or becoming EarMarked with 5.

Or in Hollywood — selling short stories for thousands when experts said it couldn’t be done.

Or in coaching — building a half-a-million dollar coaching business while incorporating faith-based principals.

It’s how they’ve consistently attracted higher-level clients, bigger opportunities, and larger break throughs each and every year.

Like Tiffany who had a $300k sale.

Or Stacey & Kristen who were both invited as guests by Disney Destinations to the Travel Weekly Awards.

It’s how they achieve their 3 year goals in a year.

Like Michael who has risen to the top of Travelmation in less than two years.

Don't hope for a badass year. Decide. Believe. And take action to achieve it.


All Pay-In-Full Badasses will be invited to an EXCLUSIVE VIP Virtual Vision Planning Workshop to be held on Tuesday, Jan. 14th at 7:30 p.m. EST (6:30 p.m. CST).

Here’s what to expect during this VIP Workshop…

✧ I’m going to walk you through the exact planning process for a 5 year vision.

This is extremely important if you want to quantum leap and shrink the gestation period to achieve your goals.

Master chess players plan their next 25 moves — that’s why they dominate.

✧ I’m going to teach you how to anchor into the spiritual and heart reasons your work is of massive high service.

This allows you to charge higher prices, attract higher clients, and show up on a whole new level.

✧ I’m going to help you plan out the first quarter of 2025. I’m going to explain not only how to do this — but the mindset, energy, and co-creation of turning it from thought into existence.

✧ I’m going to help you create a few custom affirmations to combat the biggest pieces of resistance (monkey brain ideas) that say what you want for 2025 is too unrealistic, will take too long, or will be too hard.

✧ I’m going to answer any questions you have about anything else related to mindset, energy, co-creation, and faith.

✧ I’m going to share the best ways to stand out in your industry in 2025 so that it’s easier than ever before to attract the right clients for you.

✧ Lastly, I’m going to share secrets to being resilient inside your business.

BUT THE BEST PARTUnlimited private group coaching via Facebook messenger for all of January — as soon as you enroll you’ll get access. You can ask me anything, and I’ll respond once a day — Monday-Friday. 

Day 1 - Tapping into Heartfelt Desires

Your desires aren’t miss guided.

They’re from the divine.

They’re meant for you.

You’ll learn how to tap into them and wield them to your advantage.

When you have a large enough why — the how automatically takes care of itself.

(This his how Jean did more in 4 months than in 2 years.)

Day 2 - Accepting & Observing Where You Are

You can’t move forward into your best year if you’re not real & honest about where you currently are.

When you lie to a GPS, you get faulty directions.

It takes longer. It’s frustrating. And you end up more lost and confused than when you stared.

Learn how to to become the non-judgmental, loving observer.

Because when you’re no longer afraid of where you are, you become the perfect match to go where you want to be.

(This is how Stacey realized she needed to raise her agency licensing and set new standards for her team.)

Day 3 - Turning the Past into Wisdom

Most of us try to let in new things into our lives, without taking the time to let go of our past.

This creates friction, resistance, and dead weight that prevents us from soaring to new heights.

Learn how to turn the past into wisdom and stop carrying it into the future.

Miracles occur when we turn our sh*t into gold.

(This is how Julianna released her Hollywood representation and found a new team that is helping her turn heads with short-story IP.)

Day 4 - Deciding What Gets to Be True For You

It’s time for you to decide.

Decide who you are.

Decide what you’re going to do.

Decide what you’re going to have.

Everything in your life and business starts with the same thing — a singular decision.

To change. To no longer accept your current status quo.

The life and business you have, is the life you’re willing to accept. It’s time to accept something different.

(This is how Cheryl left her 9-5 banking job and hit multi-millions in sales in less than two years.)

Day 5 - Anchoring into Your Desires & Manifesting

Once you’ve decided to have your desires, it’s time to anchor into faith and belief.

Without these two pieces, the gestation period between action and manifestation can become untenable.

Learn how to remain in belief even when you can’t see how it’s all coming together perfectly.

Because it is.

The how is never your responsibility. Your responsibility is to believe.

(This is how Kristen opened up a brick & mortar storefront when everyone else told her it was crazy — and it’s been the best decision she’s ever made.)

BONUS - Mindset of KPIs & Numbers

You must learn to love your numbers no matter how they appear.

Numbers are just feedback.

They help you see opportunities to harvest good.

Learn how to not be afraid of them and how to love them no matter how “bad” at times they might seem.

Numbers are always good. Opportunities are always present. Love always creates miracles.

Bonus - 5 Most Important New Year Questions

If I had to narrow down the five most important questions I ask myself every year, these would be it.

They are worth coming back to over and over again.

There’s one question in here that I think is worth thousands of dollars alone.

(This is the secret to quantum leaping and collapsing time.)

Bonus - New Year Motivation Bundle

While preparing to launch New Year New You, Boo! this year, I stumbled across a live-video training series I did back in January of 2021. These were streamed inside of my Confident AF Facebook Group before it was actually a “thing.” They are short, but powerful. At the time of their filming I had not quite hit a million dollar in sales, but I was on my way. My coaching business was just getting started, but I knew where I was going. I feel like a part of me was speaking to myself in this videos. I’m so excited to include them here. They will move you.

What You Get

5 Days of epic riffs, rants, and reframes to help you get clear, decide, and manifest the best year you’ve ever had.

There’s 12 pre-recorded videos with over 6 hours of the juiciest mindset content I’ve ever created on how to create a breakthrough year.

Each main video also has a downloadable companion guide that you can print.

You’ll have all course content and future updates forever.

3 Bonuses: The Mindset of KPIs & Numbers, 5 Most Important New Year Questions to Ask, and New Year Motivation Bundle.

Plus – Unlimited private group coaching via messenger from now until end of January 2025.

Are you ready to have your breakthrough year?

About Brandon

Hey, boo!

I went from being a Ringling Bros. Circus Clown making $315 per week to being the founder & owner of two multiple six figure businesses (scaling to 7 figures) — Magic Lamp Vacations, a premiere, full-service travel agency for families, and Brandon R Foster Coaching.
For 4 years I was the secret sauce and creator of the mindset & emotional intelligent content for Wanderlust Campus — a high-ticket coaching program in the travel industry which has won 8 Magellan Awards from Travel Weekly. I was also the recipient of their Expert of the Year Award.
I now coach founders & agency owners on taking their own mindset & confidence to the next level and consults with them on developing internal strategies to create mindset & emotional intelligent content for their teams and clients.
My clients have generated over $30 million dollars in sales.
I have my own weekly podcast and radio show – Confident AF LIVE — which also airs on The Transformation Network, and has been featured on The Lounge by Travefy, From Bliss to Abundance with Cyndi Williams, and The Awakening Series.
My debut book — Confident AF: Unleash Your Inner Badass is not available on Amazon.
To sum it up,  I’m just gonna tell you one thousand ways that you are infinitely loved and your dreams aren’t crazy.
They’re already yours and meant for you.

How It Works

This course is held completely online!

All 5 days and the bonuses are made available immediately after enrolling. Binge away, boo!

You’ll have course content and future updates forever.

You have completely unlimited replays.

Check your email upon enrolling!


Why do you love this course? How is it different? While I might briefly touch on topics discussed in other courses, this course is unlike anything else I’ve ever created. The primary purpose and goal of this course is help you reset your mindset to unlock your best year yet.

Do you guarantee results? I absolutely love and fully believe in this course; but as I have no way of knowing what you will do with the course or the materials presented, I cannot guarantee results of any kind. That being said, what if it works better for you than you expect? Better than you could ever imagine?

What if it works for everyone else but me? I’ll defer to my what my friend, Amanda Frances says, “You’re not that special. The laws of the universe don’t apply to everyone but you.” LOL.

Do you offer payment plans? Yes! There are bi-weekly payment options. Plus, you should also be able to use PayPal Pay Later.

Remember, boo! You are worth it. Your business is worth it. Your dreams are worth it.

I really want to do this, but I’m hesitating. Can you encourage me? Um — yes! (1) Look at why you’re hesitating. (2) This will usually be linked to something in your past you’re afraid of re-living — bad investment, failing, not getting the desired results, etc. (3) Forgive and accept the past. (4) Decide that this gets to be different. You’re safe to invest. You’re safe to trust. You’re safe to do the work and get the results you desire.

Will this be offered again later? Yep — but not until 2026. I would say if your heart is leading you — don’t wait. We often wait for the “perfect time” but perfection doesn’t exist. Has there ever been a better time to do this? To change your mindset? And what’s the cost of waiting? Of staying stuck in your current thought patterns and paradigms? There’s that too. I don’t think you would have clicked on this pay if you didn’t want to create something different this year.

Are there any discounts? No, I do not discount my work. But I do always offer a pay-in-full savings along with adding extra value with my exclusive bonuses.

More questions? Email and we’re happy to answer them!

Are your ready for your best year yet?

Get started below!


Click the button below for details and payment options.