Does this sound like you, boo?

✅ You’ve got big, bold, deep aspirations for your badass self and business — you know how much mindset matters to your success, but you’re not quite sure how to wield it’s power fully yet.

✅ You’re ready to be completely done with any and all bullsh*t ideas, lies, and stories you’ve been told about yourself, believed about yourself, and get rid of any remaining self-doubt and limitations once and for all.

✅ You’re ready to disrupt your industry and challenge the status quo. You’re willing to think differently, be different, and do different to get what others call “unrealistic” results. In reality, you know it can be just a normal Tuesday.

✅ You are so f*cking ready to understand the hidden secrets of sales, marketing, and client relationships through the lens of energy and mindset to experience quantum leaps inside your business.

✅ You are ready to defeat the biggest mindset dream killers of all time — procrastination, overwhelm, excuses, and doubt.

Then This Course Was Created For You!

I created this course after helping over 1,000 travel entrepreneurs understand the power of their mindset and the affect that it had on both their life and their business. For four years, I had a front row seat to see who “made it” and who didn’t. Those who were wildly successful and those who squeaked by. Those that survived COVID and the entire industry shut down and those that quit. Those that are thriving and those that are surviving.

Here's the difference...

The ones thriving… The ones with wild success… They CHOOSE to think, believe, and act differently than everyone else. They don’t allow numbers to mean anything. They don’t allow what other people say to derail them. They don’t follow suit and do what everyone else in their industry is doing. Because they know the truth. And I taught them.

Thoughts become things.

And your greatest power is your freewill to choose them.


So the real questions are… What have you been believing about yourself? What have you been told to believe about yourself? What has your industry told you to believe? What do you believe about sales, marketing, and getting leads? Because…

It's time to rewrite...

Your Story.

It’s the story that’s been running on auto pilot inside your head for so long, you didn’t even know you could change it. It’s the industry story that’s keeping you from breaking out of the rat race. It’s the story of lies you’ve been told. It’s the story of lies you’ve been telling yourself. It’s time for you to finally…



It’s time to take control back. It’s time to rise up. It’s time to have the business and live the life you were meant for. There’s never been a more perfect time. The time is NOW!

What You Get

The Quick Details

There are 7 modules (or ‘weeks’). All of them are pre-recorded and ready for you.

Once you sign up, the first is immediately available. The other three will unlock one week at a time.

They contain over 14 videos ranging anywhere from 9 minutes to 33 minutes in length – totaling over 5 hours of the best entrepreneurial mindset content for badasses beginning their journey that I’ve ever created. 

Each video also has a downloadable companion guide to go along with it.

Plus, you get monthly group coaching for an entire year inside a private community.

The Course 411

a.k.a. What You'll Learn...

Science. In order to believe the power of your thoughts, you need to understand what’s going on on a scientific level. You’ll learn how the human brain works and how humans are different from any other creature on the planet.

The Story You’ve Been Telling. Before you can rewrite your story, you have to identify the story you’ve been telling. You’ll learn what limiting beliefs are and how they’re holding you back. You’ll begin to take inventory and identify what you currently believe about your life, without judgment.

Power of Choice. Learn about your greatest power to change your life – the power of choice. Choosing what to think. Choosing what to believe. Choosing what to do. And even choosing how to feel. You can be, do, or have anything, boo! But you have to choose first!

Affirmations. I’ll walk you through what makes affirmations so powerful when it comes to changing your mindset. This is the process of creating new synapses in your brain! I’ll also cover common pitfalls when it comes to affirmations.

Journaling. Some people tend to freak out when I mention journaling as a tool for mindset. Mostly because they fear a blank page. Don’t worry. Inside this course you’ll be guided on your journal work by answering questions. Journaling helps us to see our thought patterns and identify root causes.

Meditation. The quickest thing that will take you out of believing the promises that God has in your life is focusing on what is instead of what you’re creating. That’s were visualization and meditation comes in. It’s a powerful tool to focus on your future.

Social Media Mindset. Many badasses fall victim to not showing up on social media due to hidden fears, beliefs, and subconscious programming. I’ll uncover the secrets to feeling safe to be seen.

Sales Mindset. It doesn’t matter how awesome your service or product is, if you can’t “close” the deal. I’ll walk you through energetic pitfalls and self sabotage boobytraps that you want to avoid.

Mindset of Relationships. Relationships are an inescapable ingredient to having longevity in business. There’s nothing like word-0f-mouth referrals! I’ll explain the basic mindset principals of amazing relationships.

3-Prong Mindset Method. In order to get different results in life, you have to change who you ARE first. Many people chase after their goals, dreams, and aspirations while trying to remain who they are. This is an impossibility. I’m not only going to explain why this doesn’t work — I’m going to show you how to become a new version of you!

Self Belief & Self Confidence. There’s nothing more important than believing in who you are, what you can do, and that God has your back in order to make your dreams a reality. I’m going to explain why this is a mission critical to your success.

The Four Horsemen of Mindset. Learn how to defeat procrastination, overwhelm, excuses, and doubt.

Assuming Success is Inevitable. Let’s go way past kindergarten growth mindset. Learn how to love your numbers good, bad, and in between. How your brain is a psycho-cybernetic mechanism. And how to learn faster.

Money, Ease, and Flow. A business is built to serve others and make money. Learn how to tap into the spirituality of both. And — let’s get rid of this idea of sacrifice and punishment in business forever.

Plus: A private, peer support Facebook group of like-minded peeps who’ve also decided to REWIRE.

Plus: Downloadable REWIRED guides filled with journal prompts, affirmations, and exercises to help you rewrite your story.

Plus: Downloadable slides from the course videos to take notes if that’s your jam.


Bonus: The Top 10 Affirmations That Work.

Bonus: A quick guide to creating custom affirmations that resonate.

Bonus: A guide to understanding meditation.

Bonus: 15 Positive affirmations from the Bible.

Are you ready to get rewired?

Get started below!

Course Outline

Module 1

In the first week, you’ll explore the science behind mindset and gain a deep understanding of how the human brain functions differently than any other creature. You’ll also identify and examine the limiting beliefs and stories that have been holding you back in your life and business. When you accept where you are with unconditional love, you have the power to implement change. Moreover, you’ll harness the incredible power of choice, realizing that your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and emotions are within your control, setting the stage for achieving the goals, dreams, and desires deep within your heart.

Module 2

Week Two empowers you with the essential mindset tools of affirmations, journaling, and meditation — enabling you to actively shape your thoughts, understand your inner patterns, and maintain a forward-looking perspective on your journey to personal growth and success.

Module 3

In the third week, you’ll explore the crucial mindset aspects of entrepreneurship. The course will address three key “art forms” essential for success: Marketing, Sales, and Client Service, while uncovering common limiting beliefs that might hinder progress in each of these areas.

Module 4

During the fourth week, you’ll dive into the transformative Be-Do-Have Mindset Method. This module emphasizes that to achieve different results in life, you must first change who you ARE. It addresses the common misconception of chasing goals while trying to remain the same person and explains why this approach doesn’t work, providing guidance on how to become a new version of yourself.

Module 5

The Four Horsemen of Mindset. Learn how to defeat procrastination, overwhelm, excuses, and doubt.

Module 6

Assuming Success is Inevitable. Let’s go way past kindergarten growth mindset. Learn how to love your numbers good, bad, and in between. How your brain is a psycho-cybernetic mechanism. And how to learn faster.

Module 7

Money, Ease, and Flow. A business is built to serve others and make money. Learn how to tap into the spirituality of both. And — let’s get rid of this idea of sacrifice and punishment in business forever.

About Brandon

Hey, boo!

I went from being a Ringling Bros. Circus Clown making $315 per week to being the founder & owner of two multiple six figure businesses — Magic Lamp Vacations, a premiere, full-service travel agency for families, and Brandon R Foster Coaching.
I’ve been the secret sauce and creator of mindset & emotional intelligent content for Careers on Vacation — a high-ticket coaching program in the travel industry which recently won 8 Magellan Awards from Travel Weekly. I was also the recipient of their Expert of the Year Award.
I now coach founders & agency owners on taking their own mindset & confidence to the next level and consults with them on developing internal strategies to create mindset & emotional intelligent content for their teams and clients.
I have my own weekly podcast and radio show – Confident AF LIVE — which also airs on The Transformation Network, and has been featured on The Lounge by Travefy, From Bliss to Abundance with Cyndi Williams, and The Awakening Series.
To sum it up,  I’m just gonna tell you one thousand ways that you are infinitely loved and your dreams aren’t crazy. They’re already yours and meant for you.

How It Works

This course is held completely online!

All seven modules have been recorded for you.

You have completely unlimited replays.

You will receive access to the REWIRED like-minded peeps Facebook group upon enrolling.

Receive Access to Module One Immediately Upon Enrollment.

You will be given access to Module Two, 7 days later. Module Three will be opened to you 7 days ofter that. Etc.

You will get monthly group coaching via zoom. 

You’ll have all course content and future updates forever.

Check your email upon enrolling!


What’s the difference between this course and your other ones? This course is probably the most important, as it serves as the foundation to many of the other courses. The principals in this course are built upon in subsequent courses.

Do you guarantee results? I absolutely love and fully believe in this course; but as I have no way of knowing what you will do with the course or the materials presented, I cannot guarantee results of any kind.

Do you offer payment plans? Yes! I love payment plans. You will find payment options when you click to enroll.

More questions? Email and we’re happy to answer them!

Are you ready to get rewired?

Get started below!


Click the button below before the course enrollment ends.