Digital Courses

Life Changing Content... NOW!

You don’t need to wait for the life of your dreams. You just need to make a decision to start living it. From creating amazing relationships to being your authentic true self, I’ve created a library full of digital content to teach you how to slay.

Not sure why negativity, paranoia, and just plain meanness has taken over your social media feed? Do you get anxiety and stress scrolling through? Learn how to use Social Media in an empowering and uplifting way – to celebrate love, truth, and joy.

Words matter. They have the power to bless or the power to curse. They have the power to create or the power to destroy. Every inaction or action in our life and business is determined by them. And it all starts inside our own minds – with the thoughts, paradigms, and beliefs that have become auto-programmed. When we choose wildly different thoughts, we get wildly different results. Now is the time – the time to get REWIRED.

It’s time to leave behind all the coulda, shoulda, woulda’s of last year. It’s time to take your power back. It’s time for a mindset reset to make this the best year yet!

Every practical component of business has a hidden mindset & energetic component. When you know them and understand how to wield them, everything you’re already doing just works 10x better. It’s time to rewrite the rules and Change the Game. (Formerly Badass Mindset Bootcamp.)

This is the penultimate course on Tuning into Love in your relationships. In this 9-week transformational journey, you’ll learn how to heal, forgive, let go, and triumph in all of your relationships to unlock new levels of love you’ve never experienced before.

When you’re not confident, you’re afraid to step into the unknown. Fear and worry paralyze you. But if the only way to achieve your dreams is to step into that unknown, then you have to become Confident AF!

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If you’re struggling with self criticism, self judgement, perfectionism, and feelings of unworthiness and proof, this is the course for you boo! It’s time to be free to accept all the love, grace, and goodness that God has for you!

Relationships are an inescapable part of our everyday lives. And if the number one reason we exist is to be loved and to love others, the question is simple. How do we do this in our relationships?

Born to Slay is an exclusive, high-level, 90-day mindset mastermind for go-getters and A-achievers. Participants receive a 13-week next-level mindset course that covers all emotionally intelligent aspects of running a business, along with four group coaching calls a month, and four 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Brandon directly.